demi kamu.. saya sanggup..!!
ari nie.. neng x citer panjang.. neng nk citer psl MAKANAN.. yummy yummy~~
sanggup btl kami 3 org sumandak (awek) nie berjalan jaoh smata-mata nk mkan kt kedai nie..
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the unique of ART
ari nie neng nk g Pulau Manukan.. neng kena laa g kt terminal dulu.. then sblom nak g terminal tuu.. neng jumpa satu tempat full of art.. so nice n amazing..!! neng dh laa suka art nie.. hehe..
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The ♥ of Fish
ari nie.. neng g tgk angel fish menetas.. amazing..!! taw x ape neng npk??
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kami diculik..!!
"jom jogging...!!" =D
cekma ajak neng jogging skali.. neng pon ikot jaa laa.. duk umah pon x buat pape.. duk on9 atas tilam bela lemak jaa.. bek jogging tgk dunia.. hahaha.. sgt penat weii..!! smpai nk termuntah-muntah plak..jom tgk keadaan sekeliling Kampung Laya-Laya nie.. xpnh neng tunjuk lg kan?? hehe..
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when Neng alone..
seperti biace.. bangun awal pgi g bgi anak-anak udang n ikan kesygan makan.. then.. ape lgi.. ari sabtu.. jom jalan..!! :D
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x sangka neng akan .......
Neng tengah focus baca blog 分享 (sharing) nie.. then fon Tiah bunyi.. bla~ bla~ bla~ neng x amik taw pon.. smbil baca blog smbil dgr lagu.. then, neng tgk mulut tiah pok pek pok pek.. tgh pakai earphone mne laa dgr org ckp kan?? haha... bukak la ear phone.. then dgr tiah ckp "En. Nasib ajak g mkn.." then ape lagi.. muke 3 dara nie tersenyum smpai ke telinga leerr..hahaha... dpt mkn free plak ari nie.. cibek x masak lgi.. =D
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kami otak bisness..
hahaha.. kami nie mmg otak bisness.. smua pkir nk duik jaa.. smua nie terjangkit penyakit NAZRIN NOOR laa nie.. oppss.. lupe citer.. Nazrin nie satu geng gan neng.. dia laa otak bisness.. semua dia nk jual.. satey laa.. air laa.. n mcm-mcm dia pnh jual kt UPMKB dulu.. owkayy.. terkeluar topic plakk.. sorry noohh..
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20 daaa..
hahaha.. dah tuaa dahh..!! bukan neng.. tpi kawan neng ==> NUR ATHIRAH nie.. hahaha.. sedangkan neng lgi tua dri dia.. x sedar diri lgi.. kawan dah tua kan, kami pon buat laa surprise utk kwn kesayangan kami nie.. buat party tersembunyi bgi.. haha.. cian dia.. setiap kali kena tinggal oleh kami.. neng n cekma slalu tipu dia g jogging laa.. g men ping pong laa.. tpi sbnr nyew.. planning surprise utk dia.. haha.. bukan baling-baling tepung + telur tuu.. tpi buat party kecil-kecilan utk dia.. terasa dah tuaa laa plak kami sbb dah boley buat party kt umah sndri daa..
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Penyu plak daa..!!
fuuuhh.. ri nie tgk penyu plakk.. bru jew 5.00 am smpai umah after g Weston.. nk kuar plak nie.. demam makin teruk laa nie neng oii..!! =.=''
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punca demam..!!
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kami ponteng..
ari nie neng kuar g jln-jln gan En. Awang n En. John.. tinggal kejab keja-keja kt ko-nelayan tuu.. nasib bek En. Awang pon ikot.. hahahahaah..
kami g Pekan Inanam.. En. Awang n En. John nk g bank.. nk byr ape-ape yg patut laa.. kami 3 org ank dara nie plak nk bli brg-brg utk buat dadih.. oppss.. lupe plak citer.. sbnr nyaa kami di sabah nie da gak buat jualan dadih.. kt sabah x pggil dadih.. tpi pudding.. dadih da mksud laen utk bhasa sabah nie..tgk bawah tuu..
kami g Pekan Inanam.. En. Awang n En. John nk g bank.. nk byr ape-ape yg patut laa.. kami 3 org ank dara nie plak nk bli brg-brg utk buat dadih.. oppss.. lupe plak citer.. sbnr nyaa kami di sabah nie da gak buat jualan dadih.. kt sabah x pggil dadih.. tpi pudding.. dadih da mksud laen utk bhasa sabah nie..
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nak kawin gan KADAZAN laa..!!
27th November 2011 - wahhh.. apy wedding day daughter of Lakim.. hahahaa.. congrate boss Lakim.. anak sulong dh kwin.. dpt daa menantu DATO oo..!! neng nk ank laki boss yg ancem tuu bley?? kikiki.. ancem taw..!! tpi xdk plak gmbr curi tgkap plak nk share bgi tgk..serius ancem taw..!!
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bila kami boring..
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jom jalan-jalan tuaran..
afta bagi udang ikan makan.. mula laa otak pkir nk jalan.. tup tup tup.. jom g pasar malam..!! trus kami cari pengangkutan.. haha.. cibek En.Awang n En. John nk kuar gak.. tumpang laa sekaki..
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bikin malu jaa..
pagi-pagi jam 7am.. mula laa bising-bising kt dapur.. bikin meehun goreng laa.. sandwich laa.. ayaq oren laa.. mcm-mcm bikin.. maw pergi picnic.. excited masak nie masak nuhh.. haha..
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3 hari daahh..
yaya..!! rega udang galah dh capai 3 ari.! so, dah tibe msa kebizian neng dh.. setiap ari kena bgi makan artemia setiap 12 jam..
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keja ari nie simple jew.. tungu pnyew la lama.. akhirnye telur udang galah dah menetas..!! yay..!! tpi x byk.. first day kan.. x byk lgi rega dpt.. huhu..
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dengar music tyme tido
haha.. mcm biace la.. neng tgk-tgk bce-bce blog org.. then terjmpe la satu blog.. nie msti smua org pasti buat pnyew.. mari bce nie..
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Natt Tuaran
jom g natt tuaran.. haha.. rindu umah la plak bila g natt nie.. ehh.. lupe plakk.. utk yg non-siamese.. "natt" nie maksudnye "pasar" dlm bhasa siam.. sape-sape yg duk kt kedah nuuhh msti la taw ape tuu "natt".. yg xtaw pon dh taw kot sbb neng dh gtaw nie.. hehe..
mari kita jln-jln tgk natt..
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One Borneo
yayay...!! jom g 1 Borneo.. haha.. ari sabtu bhaa.. kami pergi jalan2 kt KK.. g 1 Borneo.. lepak kt 1 Borneo kejab jew.. yg lama nya sbb perjlnan nk pergi nuuhh.. nek van sewa+bus+jln kaki lagii.. betapa cabar nyew perjlnan.. hehe..
jom kita ronda-ronda 1 Borneo..!! ^^
jom kita ronda-ronda 1 Borneo..!! ^^
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Tuaran --> Beufort = Udang Galah..!!
fuuiiiyyooo.. dari jam 3.00 pm smpai 9.30pm pergi n balik amik udang galah.. best..! haha.. neng g gan En.Nasib n En.Awang.. tiga org jaa.. tiah n cekma xdpt ikut.. muatan sik cukup bhaa.. kami betolak dari Tuaran --> Beufort.. 300km perjalanan.. nk amik udang galah jaa.. mula la project neng esok.. =.=''
project neng ialah pembenihan udang galah.. neng perlu sediakan 500 ribu larva udang galah.. bukan 500, tpi 500 ribu..!! byk tuu..!! so, neng g la Beufort amik induk udang galah..
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kepenatan penuh kegembiraan
fuuhh..!! ari nie penat lor.. penat cuci tangki bsr pnyew..!!
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Ko-Nelayan Kg Laya-Laya Family Day
dh npk tajuk nyew kan?? haha.. a'ah.. ari nie neng da family day.. best nyew..! dpt kenal smua warga ko-nelayan.. walaupun x ramai yg dtg.. =.='' penat tpi best..!! ^_^
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new experience
haha.. 2day learning process paling excited..!! neng dpt ilmu baru..!! yeaahh.. =D
neng ari nie dpt blajar 2 ilmu baru.. jeng jeng jeng......
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Ikan Hiasan
ari nie, neng blajar psal ikan hiasan.. tgk ikan di bawah nie yew.. comey2 smua .. ^^
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Head Quarters (HQ)
hohoho.. kami pergi ke Kota Kinabalu (KK)..!! haha.. pergi ke Head Quarters (HQ).. jmpe boss kami.. smbil tuu aunty Meglin amik gaji kt sana.. org2 sini sporting bhaa.. bila wktu rehat.. diorg men ping pong n menari.. sporting gler..!! neng pon join skali.. hahaha..
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First day practical..!!
haha.. napak tajuk nie kan?? hehe.. neng skrg practical kt Komplek Pembenihan dan Ternak Ikan Marin Laya-Laya (Ko-Nelayan).. tempat nie ada kt Tuaran, Sabah.. org sini bek2 smua.. klakar2.. sporting2 smua.. suke sgt2 kt sini.. lokasinye x laa duk dlm bandar sgt.. pon x la kampung sgt.. aman damai.. bestt..!!
Mari tgk gmbr2 kt Ko-Nelayan.. =)
Mari tgk gmbr2 kt Ko-Nelayan.. =)
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First day in SABAH bhaaa..!!
yiipppyy..!! finally, smpai sabah gak..!! excited nyew..!! haha..
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Sleep to_get_her
People always think that when you sleep together, there’s always something that is happening in between the sheets and the bed. But let me tell you,
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Bahayanye TEH AIS or PANAS..!!
Ari tuu, neng men click sini click sana.. then neng terjumpe satu blog.. menarik gak blog nie.. yg neng tertarik ialah tajuk nyew :
terkejut napak tajuk nie..!! neng x sangka plak minum teh PANAS or AIS pon bley bgi effect teruk gak.. bahaya kan???!! @.@
"Tau Tak | Bahaya minum TEH panas & TEH ais bagi kesihatan"
terkejut napak tajuk nie..!! neng x sangka plak minum teh PANAS or AIS pon bley bgi effect teruk gak.. bahaya kan???!! @.@
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Come..!! play a show with me..!!

Boy: I would like to ask you something ..
Girl: What is it?
Boy: play a show with me ..
Girl: What is?
Girl: What is it?
Boy: play a show with me ..
Girl: What is?
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Trip to KUCHING..!!
yeeaahh..!! going to Kuching now..!! jam 6.00 pgi dh terpacak di dataran C.. bersedia utk menakluki KUCHING..!! haha.. tpi.. jam 10a.m. bru dpt bertolak.. dari ari yg gelap smpailah cerah bru dpt bertolak.. haaiizz.. 4 jam tunggu taw..!! =.=’’
sbbnye => air corn bus rosak plak.. tunggu pnyew tunggu.. jam 10 a.m. bru la dpt bertolak.. pkai bus laen.. kalo dri awl lgi tukar bus kan senang.. =.=
<-- tgk nie..!! air corn bus rosak pnyer pasal.. kena tunggu 4 jam kt medan jaya.. =.=''
terpksa la kmi kuarkan beg2 tukar bus laen.. haiiyyooo.. -->
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Neng's Dream Wedding
Just now, Mr.R col neng.. he talk about his cousin's wedding.. "wahh.. so grand oo her wedding..!!" hmm.. its making neng think about my future loorr.. mulalah termenung, terbayang2 future planning.. @_@
Neng's Dream Wedding ...
Neng's Dream Wedding ...
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Similajau Turtle Beach 1
Hari yg sangat memenatkan.. 16 October 2011 g scuba kt Similajau.. 17 October 2011 plak jungle tracking kt Similajau juga.. peerrgghh.. sgt memenatkan..!! 14km g n balik..!! krus lg neng nie..!!
=( dh bis final masih lg jadual pack.. =.=
=( dh bis final masih lg jadual pack.. =.=
nie brg2 utk scuba diving.. cian buddy neng.. terpksa jaga neng yg x pro nie.. huhu..
kali nie terasa jungle tracking yg paling memenatkan seumo idop laa..!! dari jam 9.15 a.m. until 5.00 p.m.. woow!! 8 jam nuuhhh..peerrgghh..!! penat glerr..!! tpi best laa.. dpt tengok da nature beauty of the earth.. cheewaahh.. bukan paa.. mmg sgt lawa keindahan dunia nie.. tpi neng x la g smpai golden beach.. smpai turtle beach 1 ja.. setakat tuu ja pon nk bgga2 diri.. =.=''
Mari tgk ape neng dpt utk ari nie..
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The Secret
we need to hide our sadness..
not every smile appear on the face mean happy..
there is something hide inside the heart..
nobody know what is hidden inside..
and it become a secret..
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Dear friends:
Saraa!! Sedaynye xdpt jmpe bt kali terakhir.. nk peluk n say SAYANG SARA..!! T_T
sbnrnye nad dh edit gmbr kita.. igt nk bt frame bgi.. tpi printer bt hal.. xle nk print gmbr 2.. so.. plan ke-2 nad iala update blog n post luahan ati nad di sini.. hehe.. agak malu di sini tpi nad sure ini adalah IKHLAS ati nad. =D
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.:home sweet home:.
_Felda Guar Napai_
my hometown
so miss home.. wanna go back.. T_T
nie dpn umah neng.. ^^
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你忙...(You're buzzy)
you're buzzy,
forgetting that I need somebody here..
you're buzzy,
forgetting that I will be lonely..
you're buzzy,
forgetting that I'm waiting for your phone..
you're buzzy,
forgetting your promise to me..
I wanna tell you..
"LOVE" is not waiting until you're free then you will appreciate it..
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HE never know..
HE never know what I want..
HE never know what I say..
HE never know what I see..
HE never know what I love..
HE never know what I meant..
HE never know what I like..
HE always make me smile..
HE always make me cry..
HE always do the best for me..
HE always scarified for me..
HE always wanna me happy..
HE always wanna be the perfect for me..
If I have the chance..
I wanna tell the world that:
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Just You..
just you..
can make my heart melt..
just you..
can make my heart broken..
just you..
can make me smile..
just you..
can make me cry..
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BOY : 'Sorry dear.. I can't be with you now..'
GIRL : 'ok...'
BOY : 'Sorry.. I have work to complete it now..'
GIRL : 'mmm....'
BOY : 'Sorry honey.. I have to go now..'
GIRL :'.................'
BOY : 'Sorry.. Can you go there alone? I can't accompany you now..'
GIRL : 'owhh..'
BOY : 'I'm sorry dear..'
GIRL : 'not every "SORRY" can return with the word "NEVERMIND" '..
<the girl need is TIME and SPACE for her..not everytime is the word SORRY..><not every "SORRY" can return with the word "NEVERMIND"..>
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..Butterflies in love..

Two butterflies were in love………
One day, they decided to play Hide n Seek…….
During the play…..
Boy Butterfly – “A small game within us”
Girl Butterfly – “OK”
Boy Butterfly – “The one who sits in this flower
tomorrow early in the morning is the one who loves
the other one more…..”
Girl Butterfly – “OK”
Next morning, the boy butterfly waits for the
flower to open so that he can sit before the girl
butterfly does……
Finally, the flower opened…..
What did he see…..?????……..
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when a friend falling in love with a friend
when a friend falling in love with a friend,
the friend will do everything for the friend..
when a friend falling in love with a friend,
the friend wanna more than a friend..
when a friend falling in love with a friend,
the friend is more important than other friend..
when a friend falling in love with a friend,
the friend will not leaving the friend..
when I falling in love with my friend,
I will say..
'We are friend forever!'
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my sweetheart PONY
I have a dog. She name is PONY.. She really a nice dog.. she just like a little child.. want more attention+love.. she really manje laa.. wanna eat also want people to suap2 for her..aiyoo.. manje sungguh..!!
I really love her..she now is about 2 or 3 years old.. people say when she 15 years old.. she is enough to live in this earth and will go to other world.. I hope dat day will never haf..but this is life.. 1 day, anything will leave us.. there is nothing will accompany us forever..except in our HEART..
Let's the picha below describe who is she.. haha.. I lyke to take picha wif her.. :D
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DPI's Heart
I have them..
they make me smile..
they make me cry..
they make me mad..
they make me touch..
and I can't leave them..
now.. I only have the sweet memories with them..
hug them..
miss them..
love them..
DPI.. always in my heart..
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that's HER..!!

Life only comes around once make sure you spend it with the right person....
Find a Guy ..

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1、 买一套大房子给你,为我们的宝宝留一间婴儿房。
2、 让你躺在我的腿上静静的看书,然后抚摩你的头发。
3、 当你说自己很累不想做饭时,把你抱上床盖上被子,然后亲自给你做我最拿手的方便面!
4、 当你不吃饭的时候哄着你吃,再不行就喂你吃。
6、 再和你去趟非洲,让你感觉自己非常的白。
7、 把我的牙刷偷偷的和你换一下。
8、 每个特殊的日子都要在你心里留下一段特殊的回忆。
9、 在洗澡的时候帮你搓背,洗完澡后帮你揉揉脚。
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