What mean by LOVE for you?? happiness?? just a feeling between 2 person??hurmmm...for me..love is sharing..but not everything..love can be very beautiful..very nice..very sweet..but..love also can be very painful..very unhappy..and can destroy your life too!!!
If you love someone, you will done everything for him/her..even you have to scarify your life..love is such as a sweet cake..At the first time you eat the cake, you will like it very much and eat a lot of the cake..but..when you eat and eat and eat again the cake, you will feel that the cake is not as sweet as before..and you start hate to eat the cake..finally..you try to find another cake to eat..just like love..When you love someone..you will love sincerely and very like him/her..but when the time is going on..you will know his/her good and bad..and you will start to feel boring with him/her..and start to find the other 'love story'..